Friday, September 14, 2012

Well guys not sure what is going on with my blog, they said it was reporting as spam. I beg your pardon. This is top quality accounts of my life. Oh I crack myself up. But I think the problem should be solved.

Yesterday was my Friday! No classes today but I think I have about 57 full 11 1/2 x 8 pages of reading to do! AYUDAME! In my Kaq'chikel class yesterday I had my first oral exam... Yikes! Bless her soul I must butcher every word. I think I might be missing a vocal chord because some of the clicks and glottal sounds you have to make just do not come out of my mouth. At least I provide entertainment for the class.
OH MY GOSH I forgot the most important thing I saw yesterday. The volcano "Fuego" near our town ERUPTED! I kid you not it reminded me of Dante's Peak for all who have seen that. I was amazed. I was walking to school about 7:45 and nothing was happening a little smoke out of the top but nothing alarming. I got to my classroom and was just organizing my notes and my friend Colleen said hurry get up to the terrace Fuego is going off. It was absolutely breath taking and surreal. I could not believe my eyes. I was watching the volcano erupt. That only happens in the movies right... Within a matter of 30 minutes the amount of smoke, and debris in the air was astonishing. According to news reports there was smoke 2 miles high. As we watched the smoke rise all of a sudden it started rolling down the hill into the valley. About 30,000 people were evacuated. Now I know most of you are worried but my Kaq'chikel teacher an indigenous woman to Guatemala looks at us and says "That ain't nothin!" Her words verbatim. There aren't really words to describe the way the debris moved and the way the smoke came out of the top of the volcano but it was incredible to be apart of something so grand and yet so destructive.

Ok so that was the excitement in the morning. Then on my way home for lunch I saw a man, about 4 feet tall, maybe 75 years old and carrying a dresser probably 2x his weight or maybe equal. But he had a series of straps around the dresser that all attached to a single strap around his HEAD. Can you believe that. He was carrying a dresser via his head. The things you see here.

Right now I am sitting in a small cafe of the Central Park, trying to do homework. You can tell how well that is going. But I do have some unfortunate news. My host mom Silvia has breast cancer. I do not know how long she has had tumors but she just found a new one yesterday. She needs to have surgery but she will not go because she said it is too expensive. I asked her how she felt and she said she can not sleep at night because she is in pain. I would not normally ask for donations but if anyone would like to donate to her cause, me and the other girls in my house are trying to raise some money for her and just give it to her as a gift. She is very hesitant to take any money let alone ours, but as a new member to all of our families we want to help her through this time. I know she is scarred and unsure what to do. The other night I was sitting in my room reading and she came in just to talk. She never once mentioned her pain but I know she was trying to distract herself. I know because I do the same thing when I feel sick or nervous. The only thing that would comfort me was thinking about someone else's thoughts. So please let me know if you would like to help. Five American dollars equates to about almost 40Q which can cover a Dr. visit or simply keep her in your prayers.
Ok last news of the day! I met a young fellow from the East Coast that is working with local farmers here in Guatemala harvesting coffee. If anyone would like some fresh Guat coffee, please please email me and I would love to send some. All the profit goes directly to the farmers! And lets be honest the coffee is delicious. Light or dark it is so fresh and pure!

Ok that is all for now. Tomorrow is Independence Day here so the fiestas and parades have begun. About every 5 to 10 minutes a firework goes off and scares the be-jesus out of me! I keep thinking the volcano is going off or that the sky is falling!
Love to all!
Looks pretty normal right...

Colleen: "Um... Court is this normal..."
Courtney: "Yea don't worry we ll be fine!" 

The smoke 2 miles high and rolling down the left side


1 comment:

  1. Hey Court, just got the link from Ed and read your blog posts, fascinating! I forwarded to Allison and Kev also. Sounds crazy but pretty cool over there, especially the volcano, wow! Hang in there and keep up the posts, -Ray
