Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Its only day 2

Well so I finally arrived on Sunday night it was very dark and actually pretty chilly. My host mom is lovely. She is a single mom with 2 sons. One has moved out and the other lives upstairs. We call her Mami Silvia! Her sons name is Francesco and he acts muy suavamente! So funny, the girls and I joke with him alot. But our schedule for the last two days have been this... get up at 6 am! Holy cow. In Guatemala I guess you can say it is tradition to get ready and make your bed before you eat breakfast. Not used to that. Ask my mom or dad Courtney getting up in the morning takes a drill sergeant. But the first night I woke up literally every hour on the hour and it was terrible, last night I slept pretty well. But the morning thing is rough. This morning I went for a run and DIED! They feed us so much pan (bread), tortillas and beans. Our host mom thinks I am a typical American that needs the Supersized meal but... I dont I can barely finish her meals.
Yesterday and today we have orientation at school... BRAIN overload. Just being in the new culture is enough then they go through our school terms and HEALTH stuff. Yikes... Also my brain hurts from trying to listen so much. After a full day in Antigua I literally want to sit in front of a blank wall that can not talk to me in Spanish. However, I am doing my best to try and learn. But some things I learned yesterday:
     Pedestrians NEVER have the right away. Here is the chain of events, the giant truck scoots the cars over the cars scoot the motorbikes over, the motorbikes scoot the bikes over and the bikes take out the pedestrians. Yea I am always on my toes when walking especially because the roads are all cobble stone which creates many hazards for someone like me. I have only hit the ground twice.
         Side note: I am about 10 pounds heavier than most of the men here and I think I have bigger arms so no need to worry I can defend myself and I carry pepper spray. Also my girl Colleen has an imbalance in hormones and she also has huge muscles. That probably sounds weird but the men give us different looks like hmmm they look like they could kick my ass.
     Professional novios... Need I explain. Ha apparently when you go out to a restaurant, dance club or just out in general there are such things as professional boyfriends. They try to swoon you into buying them drinks. Don't worry parents, I am not putting up with that.. "Buy them stuff... yea right... I'm rocking the college budget!"
The CIRMA group !

Me, Silvia, Colleen (in back), Dylan(right)

The courtyard of my school

The Fuego Volcano, with some activity
Apparently that leads to earthquakes yikes...

Our going out outfits! 

My dinner for Monday night! 
Ok that is all for now! I just took the hardest spanish test of my life. My self-esteem is shot down the drain.
   Also here is my information:
Courtney Slanaker
5a Calle Oriente #5
La Antigua, Guatemala
Apdo. Postal 336

My phone number: 011+502+40921004 (it is expensive to call though!)


  1. Your blog is awesome. Thanks for All the info and great pictures. Love the going out garb. Hi to the girls. Be safe. Ed
