Thursday, September 20, 2012

Cooking lessons and random thoughts

So on Monday night Guirellmo, also the bike tour guide invited me over to his house with my friend Teresa to learn how to cook rellenitos! We started off with boiling bananas cut up, but still in their peels in cinnamon and chocolate water! After they became very suave(soft) we mashed them up like mashed potatoes. Meanwhile we had black frijoles heating up on the stove with azucar(sugar) and chocolate powder and a little bit of oil. Once the bananas were completely smashed we wet our hands with water grabbed about two tablespoons of banana and started patting them down like tortillas! Once we had a nice little banana tortilla we put the frijoles in the middle and proceeded to close the tortilla. In the end it looked like a little nugget. Once they were completely sealed we placed them in a pan with oil and let them fry away! Yum, food for the soul!

Oh so this past weekend I wore a pair of shoes that gave me a gnarly blister on the bottom of my foot. You know a SIMPLE blister. Well, one of my roommates thought it would be hysterical to tell me about the girl who fell off a zip line in Costa Rica and got a FLESH EATING BACTERIA! Great now I have that. Don't be surprised if I'm missing a foot or leg when I get back. Jessssus. Why would she tell me that!  I have been scrubbing the crap out of my foot. Wish me luck! (More hypochondriac moments to come).

Another entertaining story. Our CIRMA group (which is just 11 students) got together to discuss our current experiences and how we are handling everything. You know spill our feelings about life. Anyway, pretty nice to hear how everyone is experiencing everything but I must say this and forgive me for being rude, or for just being brutally honest. One of the students commented on how lethargic she was. She went on to discuss how she wasn't eating  like she normally does (hmmm beans empanadas and fried bananas), she wasn't in a routine, and she wasn't running like she used to... LETHARGIC... Now, what comes to everyones mind??? Without actually saying it or rather just in my head, I said "Dear, its called getting fat." I feel I am allowed to laugh at this since I myself feel "lethargic". That cracked me up. I think my grandparents might get a kick out of this one.

Me and Guirellmo at his house!

Teresa smashing bananas!


Mixing the frijoles!

Our little tortilla with frijoles!

Almost done!!!

My spanish teacher Nori! This was where we had class, with ice cream!
The U.S. should adopt this idea! 
Side note: My Mayan language course is not getting any easier. Who would of thought, a Mayan class being easy.

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