Thursday, September 6, 2012

Hello Everyone! I have officially taken my first class in Mayan Kaq'chikel. Literally learning how to speak the Mayan language. Lets just say my teacher speaks Spanish to explain the Mayan words. See where I am going with this. Muy dificil! But she is about 4 foot nothing and is so sweet! She laughs at me because I am trying hard to pronounce the Mayan words right and then I end up butchering the Spanish word. I have accepted the fact that my Spanish is still in its early stages of life and I have only been here for 5 days. Don't freak out just yet! But I also had a lecture from a man named Peter who is US born but is now a naturalized citizen of Nicaragua! He has worked in Central America for over 30 years and works with Urban development in relation to indigenous populations and many human rights, civil rights movements throughout Central America. He talked a lot about the "How" question and how we come to moments of articulation when trying to answer it. Very interesting but hard to keep up with!
Last night... (Ps sorry for the horrible transitions. My brain is in a million places) But after we were done eating dinner the girls and I were trying to get our Mami to show us how to dance proper Salsa. She got red and said she couldn't teach us because she did not have her zapatos altos (high heals!). Instead of giving up we danced around in the kitchen and then Francesco came home and showed us all how to dance. He would say "Mira en mis ojos!" translation "look into my eyes". Well of course, all of us acting around the age of 12 started giggling but he swung us around the kitchen and showed us the rhythm! Mami thought it was hysterical. Unfortunately there were no places that had Salsa so we returned home defeated. Some day!
For you mom: First day of school pic!

Ready for the night... Yes I am wearing a headlamp

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