Monday, October 8, 2012

Its Just that week

So I have hit the wall. This past week has just been... Blaah... in lack of a better word. I think the first month was overwhelming with so many different emotions, experiences, culture and adjustment. This weekend was a more relaxed weekend. The week was a little bit stressful. I had another Spanish test, my Mayan language class, well its still going. This week I have just felt inadequate. My whole house got in a funk and our Spanish sucked, my Mayan sucked, my English probably sucked and my Geography class used all my brain power for the week since it was on Monday. Ok, I am going to put my girl pants on and deal with it. I will stop feeling bad for myself, for pete sakes I am in Guatemala! This whole homesickness thing is contagious, I swear one girl feels sad and it spreads like a disease. Then all of a sudden all the girls are crying. Its crazy. I've been avoiding the criers cause that is contagious for sure. But to all my family and friends I miss you lots or in Spanish nos extrano mucho!!
But this week and weekend were very unexciting for me. I know its crazy Courtney with down time, more like Courtney over-whelmed with school and Spanish. So I really do not have much exciting news for the week. I apologize for the lack of excitement.
This weekend was fun and relaxing. However, on Wednesday one of the nurse's daughter had a birthday! Her name is Crista and she turned 12 years old! She did not have any plans so I told her I wanted to take her to ice cream! She was ecstatic. Ice cream turned into swimming at Hotel Antigua which turned into a lot of money spent! Holy cow, Hotel Antigua is like the resort of resorts here. In retrospect it wasn't an absurd amount of money but she was funny she kept asking me, are you sure? are you sure? She ran into the pool cannon ball style so of course my 20 year old self did the same.  The water was not welcoming and refreshing... It was soooo cold I instantly had chills. My toes went a little purple. The whole staff just stared at me... Probably thinking gosh beached whale in the pool hahaha. More lethargic comments to come. Anyway we swam for about an hour or until I could not move my limbs and then proceeded to eat some ice cream to feed my lethargic stomach! It turned out to be a great day. She was so excited I wanted to celebrate her birthday and her mom was very excited and more thankful than anything. Ok so that was Saturday. Saturday night consisted of homework, smoothies and going to bed early.

Sunday pretty uneventful as well. I got to sleep in for the first time in awhile it was great! The whole day was cloudy and rainy. I spent most of my morning sitting in a very quaint patio with a small fountain reading for hours! Just hours. It would probably help if my reading speed wasn't one paragraph per hour since I get so distracted by the water or the butterfly or a squirrel or something other than my reading. Focus Courtney... Focus Courtney... I also got scammed by a little boy, a very cute boy, but nonetheless scammed. He was selling little cloth bracelets he originally told me 3 for 20Q and 1 for 10Q. I only had a 10Q and then he saw 3Q on the table so he said ok 2 for 13Q... Great! About an hour later I saw him in the street and he had the biggest grin on his face. He proceeded to tell me he could get dinner now. It was another rewarding experience. Whether or not he was just scamming me or being serious I wont know but "es la vida". Meaning its just the life and you just have to go with it. It has also been raining all day... Never forget your rain jacket during the rainy season... You are guaranteed to get rained on no actually poured on.

Sorry this week and weekend are so unexciting but love and miss everyone!
Con cuidado (Go with safety)!!!!

Finally got the beach pictures!!

Beach front property! Our hotel is to the right!

Our rooms with the lovely mosquito net!

More hotel, out door showers only!

Hammocks in front of the room!

Fresh coconut anyone?

The gross chicken place...

Meat rack!!

Board walk!

The boys the started the sand war!

Colleen and her new best friend!

Giant waves!

Dirty black sand feet!

Not swimming in those bad boys!

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